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Rutgers Genetics Study

By December 13, 2024No Comments
We are excited to invite the Male Breast Cancer Happens community to join a new study—the Rutgers University Study of the Genetics of Breast Cancer. As you all know, anyone who has breasts can have breast cancer, so we need both female AND male study participants to do the most robust research.
No doctor’s visit is required—study enrollment is done online at your convenience. To participate, you only need to answer some questions about your health and provide a saliva sample through the mail. We estimate that it will take just 20 minutes. In return for participation, you will have the option to choose to receive information about your genetic ancestry at no cost.
This study is open to anyone of any gender who is over the age of 18 and currently living in the US.
We need people who have had breast cancer as well as people who have not, so please share this invitation with your family and friends. Although scientists have learned a great deal about a few breast cancer genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, these do not fully explain the role of genetics in breast cancer—there are many more genes and mutations yet to be identified and understood. Breast cancer remains a significant health concern. This new study aims to increase our knowledge of the role of genes in causing breast cancer, potentially leading to new medications to treat, or even prevent, breast cancer.  Please join our study even if you have participated in other research studies. The more research is done, the quicker new treatments can be discovered. We hope you will participate in this study and share the link above with others.
You can join at
Bob Miller

Author Bob Miller

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