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Men’s Self Breast Exams

By July 28, 2022One Comment

Men must do breast self exams too. Our Male Breast Cancer Happens founder and breast cancer survivor
Bret Miller shows men how to do a proper breast exam in this video. Yes, MEN HAVE BREASTS TOO!

Bret had a lump behind his right nipple since he was 17 years old. It was thought to be hormonal and normal by his doctors because of his age and he was “a guy.” He was told to “keep an eye on it.” At age 24 during a routine physical, he asked his doctor about the lump. His doctor suggested a sonogram, then a mammogram ( ya a mammogram! ) and ultimately a biopsy. Bret was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer. He had a mastectomy and underwent four months of chemotherapy.

Men's Breast Self Exam

Author admin

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  • Lillian Nyawira says:

    Hello Bret’s mission, Iwould like to ask for your permission to use photos on your website to create awareness of breast cancer for men with learning disabilities by making an accessible material. This will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks

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