Male Breast Cancer Happens
Male Breast Cancer Happens
Male Breast Cancer Happens
Male Breast Cancer Happens
Male Breast Cancer Happens
Male Breast Cancer Happens
MBCH shares stories from male breast cancer survivors all over the world. Learn more here and find resources for men and their families navigating through what is usually a women’s only club. MBCH also honors lives lost in the “In Memoriam” section.
When diagnosed with breast cancer at age 24, Bret Miller made a promise to his surgeon: no man would ever feel alone upon hearing the words, “You have breast cancer.”
Driven by this promise, Bret founded The Male Breast Cancer Coalition in 2014.
Male Breast Cancer Happens is a not-for-profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to uniting people to educate the world about male breast cancer. Our mission is to build awareness through the wisdom and experiences of survivors. We travel to high schools and colleges across the country, sharing our journeys and educating audiences. Our survivors emphasize that every individual must be their own best advocate for their bodies. We participate in global events to raise awareness about male breast cancer, and we attend conferences to gain knowledge and advocate effectively.
Our mission remains an uphill battle until we educate everyone, including the medical community, about the need for more testing and clinical trials focusing on men with breast cancer. We want people to be informed. Breast cancer does not discriminate, and we want everyone to know: Men Have Breasts Too.
We are Male Breast Cancer Happens.
Bret, Peggy, and Bob Miller
As Peggy always says, #TogetherWeWillChangetheWorld.